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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Translation of Imran Khan Address to the Nation

Translated Version of Imran Khan Address to the Nation

Today, I am thankful to God Almighty, for providing me with an opportunity to fulfill the dream I saw for Pakistan 22 years back in 1996. My first phase was full of struggle and now the time has arrived to implement the ideology and manifesto which I always idealized. Let me make it clear why I joined politics 22 years back, I had everything, politics could not have given me more. I had enough to just sit back and enjoy my life. But I saw my country developing during my youth and then in front of my eyes, I saw its decline mainly due to poor governance and corruption. I always knew Pakistan possess enough potential. I always wanted Pakistan to become a country envisioned by my leader Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

Coming to 2018 elections, I must say it was a historical elections and people have rendered sacrifices for this election. Terrorism was witnessed and I want to pay tribute to Baloch people who still came out to cast their vote despite terror threats. I have seen on TV screen how olds, disabled and overseas Pakistani came to cast their votes. It has helped to further strengthen our democracy. We can now see democratic process building. Despite all the problems like we witnessed the martyrdom of Ikram Gandapur and Haroon Bilour (candidates for the elections), in terror acts during the election campaign, but still the elections were held as scheduled. I also want to pay tribute to security forces because their personnel also embraced martyrdom. I also want to extend tribute to my party workers who campaigned at areas where we had life threats. Despite all these, we fought the elections and thanks to God Almighty, we got the mandate.

To be precise, let me tell you about Pakistan which I want to see. I drive my inspiration from Last Prophet Mohammad (Peace by Upon Him) who laid the foundation of Medina state. First time the world saw an establishment of welfare state. That state took the responsibility of its underprivileged class, widows, disabled and orphans. There was a time when our Caliph said that even if a dog dies hungry, I should be held responsible. I want to make Pakistan on these foundations. Unfortunately, the current state of Pakistan is opposite to it. There is a landlord like governance system in Pakistan. Currently, nearly half of the population lives below the poverty line, how can we term this state a state envisioned? I promise I will try to establish policies which will help our underprivileged segment of the society. Our policies will lift labors and farmers who work the whole year and still fail to feed their children. 45 percent of Pakistani children are suffering from stunting growth. Neither their height nor their brains grow, which means we are not giving 45 percent of the children the opportunities to come forward. As many as 25 million Pakistani children are out of the schools. There are countries whose population is even less than the number of Pakistani children who do not go to schools. Pakistan has the highest number where women die while giving birth because of lack of basic health facilities. We have the highest infertility rate due to water borne diseases because we have failed to provide them with clean drinking water. I will try to uplift this sector. Our policy will focus on the uplift of human development. A country cannot be recognized by the way its elite class lives but how its poor people lives. A country cannot flourish if it has an island of rich people and sea of poor people. We have an example of China; China has alleviated 700 million poor people within 30 years. World does not have such an example. We Muslims exemplify Medina state founded by Holy Prophet Mohammad (Peace be Upon Him), the first welfare state ever established. It was a principled state in which everyone was equal in front of law, law had the supremacy, that state was based on humanity, justice. Wealth was equally distributed. He told us how to set a welfare state, and that state remained the best civilization for almost 700 years. God Willingly, I will set Pakistan on these principles.

At this occasion, I want to see Pakistani united. I have no issues from those who voted against us. And I have forgotten the way opposition had made personal attacks on me. I have put them behind me because it is not about my personal life; it is about my country Pakistan. Our cause is greater than my personal life. God Willingly, I will prove it that my government will not indulge itself into any kind of political victimization. We will establish the supremacy of law. Even if my party member is involved in wrong doing, he will be held accountable. Whosoever will go against the law of the country, we will take action against him. God willingly, our state institutions will be so strong that they will stop corruption. It will keep a check on government people. It will keep a check on Imran Khan and his ministers. Accountability will start from me, then my ministers and it will follow further.  The reason that corruption is plaguing Pakistan is because of dual law. One law is applicable to the powerful people and the other law is subjected to poor people. Only opposition faces accountability. We will set an example under which everyone will be held accountable. West is more advanced than us because their law does not discriminate. Their institutions and justice system are very strong. Our guiding principle is that we will establish institutions who will improve governance system of Pakistan. Countries will not invest if we do not have proper governance system.

Pakistan is facing the gravest challenge of economy. We have never witnessed such a massive fiscal deficit, trade deficit and loan burden. We have never witnessed such devaluation of Pakistani rupee against the dollar. It is because of our dysfunctional institutions. We will improve governance system and will create business environment. We have to improve cost of doing business as well as ease of doing business. I believe our biggest asset is our overseas Pakistanis. We will improve our governance and invite them to invest in Pakistan.  Overseas Pakistanis have not made an investment that they should have had. The reason is corruption has destroyed Pakistani institutions and corruption is deterrent for investment. People invest in Dubai and Malaysia but avoid investing in Pakistan.

The other major issue is of unemployment. We have world’s second youngest population. They need employment, if do not have foreign investment, how will we be able to provide them with an employment? Today I say on oath in front of Pakistani people that we will run Pakistan in an unprecedented manner. We will provide governance the likes of which has never be seen in Pakistan. It will start from us, we will bring ourselves under institutions and will adopt simplicity. Our rulers have always invested money on themselves and building huge mansions and enjoying foreign visits. Will people pay tax the way our ruling elite misuse it? Pakistan is on world’s top in giving charity and ranks lowest in giving tax. People do not pay tax because they know our ruling elite will misuse it, steal it and will use it on itself. I pledged in front of the people that I will protect people's money. We will reduce our expenses. I will feel ashamed to live in luxurious Prime Minister house, when half of Pakistan’s population lives under the poverty line. We will decide whether to use this Prime Minister House for educational purpose or any other. I will live in ministerial clave in a small place. We will open all the Governor Houses for public usage. We will convert the guest house of Nathlia Gali into hotel. So that we can use its income for public instead of living like a king on people's taxes. We will use all the restaurants located in hill resorts for commercial purpose so that the income generated from them should be invested on local people. I promise that I will change the trend of ruling class enjoying on people's money. It will start from me and my parliamentarians. I will inform the nation that only we have to fight this economic woes, no one from the outside will come for our help. We have to strengthen our institutions and reduce our expenses. We have to increase our income. We have to form policies with our business communities so that we can create wealth and eventually making Pakistan rich. It will help us to generate employment for your youth. God willingly, we will create a tax culture and people will give tax once they realized that tax is being spent on them and not subjected to embezzlement. We will strengthen NAB and restructure institutions like FBR. The entire government will help oppressed farmers to generate income. So that he can invest it on his land thus increasing the production. We will help small enterprises and will introduce new things in order to give employment to our youth. We will provide them institutions which can help them in skill development. Our money will be spent on human development.

Another issue facing Pakistan is of foreign policy. The country which needs stability and peace is Pakistan. We want better relations with our neighbors. We will further strengthen our ties with China. We must utilize CPEC and bring in investments. As I said before China has alleviated 700 million people within 30 years, we will send a team to China to learn what measures they took to alleviate their underprivileged segment. We will also learn how to tackle corruption; they have apprehended 400 ministers in 4 years. They have set an example that crime does not pay. Second country is Afghanistan; Afghan people have suffered most due to war on terror. Afghanistan need peace and the second country which wants peace in Afghanistan is Pakistan. If peace is established in Afghanistan, peace will be established in Pakistan too. Our government will try its best to bring peace in Afghanistan. I desire to establish such relations with Afghanistan where we have open borders, the way European Union has. As the United States is also involved in Afghanistan so I desire relations with the United States on mutually beneficial basis. Unfortunately, the Pakistan-US ties have always remained one-sided because the United States believes that it gives aid to Pakistan to fight US war. It has hampered Pakistan big time. We want a win-win and balanced relationship with the United States. God Willingly, we will try our best to establish balanced relationship. Iran is also our neighbor and we want to further improve our relations with Iran. Saudi Arabia is our friendly country and has always stood with Pakistan in every trying time. We will try to play a reconciliatory role in Middle East. We will try to unite Middle East. We will become a country who will address wars instead of taking sides in war. it has damaged Pakistan as well. Coming to India, I do feel hurt the way Indian media has portrayed me. I felt like as if I am villain of Bollywood movies. It felt like if Imran Khan comes to power, whatever is harmful for India will occur. I believe I am a Pakistani who has highest number of links in India. I have also visited the whole of India due to cricket. I am a Pakistani who believe that if Indo-Pak relations improve, it will be better for Sub-Continent. If we want to alleviate poverty from the sub-continent, we need to establish trade ties. The trade will help both the countries. Unfortunately, among other outstanding issues, the core issue is of Kashmir dispute. There is human rights violations ongoing in Kashmir from the last 30 years. When we allow army to enter the urban areas, we witness human rights violations and Kashmiri people have suffered due to this. Pakistani and Indian leadership should sit around the table and resolve this dispute. If we kept on playing the blame game, we will remain at square one. If Indian leadership is ready, we are also ready to improve our relations. If India will take one step forward, we will advance two steps. But we must move forward. Currently, there is one-sided relationship where Pakistan is being blamed, like if any act of terrorism occurs in any part of the world, Pakistan is blamed. improved Pak-India relations are better for the people of the sub-continent and we must resolve our core issues through dialogues.

In the end, I would like to pledge with Pakistanis that we can improve our governance system. We can also introduce a governance system which will improve the lifestyle of the people. A governance system which will provide an opportunity to the people to invest in Pakistan. I pledge that Imran Khan will adopt simplicity. I am also a simple citizen like you and if I have major responsibility, it does not mean that I start flying high. Whosoever comes to power in Pakistan, his lifestyle changes. We see ruling class enjoying their lives in huge mansion on people's money, but I pledged in front of the nation that you will witness a simplicity in Imran Khan. I made a promise to build a cancer hospital, you people gave me money and now two cancer hospitals are working in Pakistan where 70 percent people are getting free treatment. There is no example in the world where 70 percent of the cancer patient are getting free treatment. I promised to build a university for poor people where they will be able to attain international degree and today almost 90 percent of the students in NAMAL university are from poor class. I promise that I will create a Pakistan where the policy will be based on underprivileged class including women, minorities, domestic servants. We will protect their rights. I will stand with them.         

In the end, my last point is of rigging. Today political parties are complaining of rigging. Let me tell you that the incumbent election commission was formed by two main political parties i.e. Pakistan People's Party and Pakistan Muslim League - Nawaz group not by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf. Even the caretaker setup was also unanimously formed. I am ready to open any constituency where you blame of rigging. During 2013 elections, every party claimed that the elections have been rigged. 400 petitions were filed against rigging. I asked to open four only from 400 petitions. Just to take a sample for 2013 elections. All the parties who are complaining of rigging now opposed me at then. None of them opened four constitutency. We fought our case in the courts and it took us 2 to 3 years to open those constituencies. Today I am ready to investigate any constituency where you blame of rigging. I believe it is the most transparent election ever held in Pakistan's history. I think Pakistani people have never participated in the elections the way they did this time. We will investigate election rigging along with opposition.

I want to thank every Pakistani and pray that God gives me courage to fulfill the promise I made with you. Long Live Pakistan.

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