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Monday, July 09, 2018

Relationships Among Countries

As man is a social animal and cannot survive alone.
Likewise, countries also cannot afford living like rogue nations. Besides, none of the country in the world is self-sufficient therefore, countries tend to develop ties which can satisfy the interest of the people. Consequently, this has given rise to country-to-country relationship. However, there has always been an upward and downward trend seen with regard to these ties. We will have a look at ties among different countries.

After coming to power as a result of 2016 elections, the unpredictable nature of US President Donald Trump has put the entire world in general and US allies in particular into an uncertain situation. His insane decision of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital has been one of the worst contentious issues between US President and world leaders. US ally Europe and others rejected this decision. As a result, the United States also lost its place as a mediator of Palestine-Israel conflict and its credibility has also been hurt.

The United States always considered India as its ally in South Asia and Donald Trump tirade against Pakistan on twitter has put Pakistan-US ties at odds. Consequently, Pakistan can be seen now moving further closer towards China, also the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has made Pak-China relations unbreakable. Likewise, the United States is also deteriorating its ties with China by leveling tax on imports from China. China also responded with tit-for-tat response and levied tax on imports from the United States.

The United States considers North Korea as its foe; whereas, China is the only major ally of North Korea and they both share border as well. On the other hand, the United States ally is South Korea [It must be remembered that North and South do not have friendly relations, potentially both the countries are still at war as no peace agreement was reached during the war but only an armistice was signed]. The United States supported South during 1950-53 war between South and North. There are also 28,500 US troops stationed at South and the United States and South also conduct joint military exercise in a show of power to North. North has nuclear bombs whereas South has better economy.

Since the partition of sub-continent, we have rarely witnessed a thaw in Pak-India relations. They have fought three major wars and number of skirmishes were also seen. The thorny issue is of Kashmir. Pakistan consider Kashmir as its jugular vein; whereas, India term Kashmir as its integral part. Three wars have been fought between them on Kashmir dispute. India also accuses Pakistan of funding terrorism inside India which Pakistan rebuts and claims that India is interfering in Pakistan's province Balochistan by aiding separatist groups there. Recently, Pakistan caught Kalboshan Yadav, alleged to be Indian spy, which led Pak-India relations to its lowest ebb. However, India denies Kalbhoshan Yadav as its spy agent.

China and Pakistan enjoy cordial relations since long. The deeper than oceans and higher than Himalayas ties recently witnessed a never ending strength when China and Pakistan signed a $57 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project, offshoot of Chinese President Xi Jinping One Belt One Road initiative. Under CPEC, China will invest in various sectors of Pakistan including energy, roadmap and infrastructure development. The near 3000km corridor will connect China from Kasghar to Gwadar port in Balochistan. It will create million of jobs and also help in developing business opportunities.

Russia, who does not enjoy cordial relations with the United States, UK and Europe, has also moved closer to China. Russia is accused of interfering in US general elections of 2016 which Russia denies. UK also blamed Russia for the chemical attack on double spy agent Skirpal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury, England which obviously Russia denies. UK also blame Russia for interfering in 2016 referendum which voted in leaving EU bloc. Recently G-8 summit was also reduced to G-7 when G-7 countries removed Russia citing reason of Russia's annexation of Crimea. Therefore, Russia has developed good ties with China, Turkey, Iran and other states. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is jointly owned by Russia and China. In the last SCO meeting, Russian President Viladmir Putin said that the purchasing power of SCO member states outnumbers the purchasing capacity of G-7.

At the time of G-7 conference, notwithstanding the harmony that group enjoys, US President Donald Trump berated Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and openly called him a dishonest person. It should be remembered that Canada and the United States share world longest border. Trump has also disowned the joint narrative of G-7 conference.

Saudi Arabia and Iran also do not enjoy friendly relations. Despite being Muslim countries, both the countries are considered as regional arch-rivals. Both the countries are supporting opposite sides in Syria and Yemen. Iran is supporting President Basharul Asad in Syria; whereas, Saudi Arabia is supporting the opposition forces. Similarly, Iran is alleged to be supporting Houthi rebels in Yemen and Saudi Arabia with its coalition partners is fighting Houthi rebels.

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